授業科目名 配当年次 開講期間 所要単位 必修・選択 担当者名
英語オーラルコミュニケーションII 1 後期 1 選択 ナイレ キーナン


Communicating in English is fun and easy! Although the lessons in this course have grammar content we will mainly be concentrating on speaking and listening. Coming to class regularly and speaking as much as you can will really help you to be a much better English speaker. You need to come to at least 2/3 of the lessons, try your best, and most of all have fun!!


To activate classes, pair work, groupwork and discussions will be used in various activities.


第1回 オリエンテーション

第2回 経験 (1) 現在完了形

第3回 経験 (2) 〜したことありますか?

第4回 復習

第5回 場所 (1) 位置

第6回 場所 (2) 方向

第7回 旅行 (1) レストランの予約

第8回 日本の物

第9回 価格

第10回 これから行う行事 (1) 未来形

第11回 これから行う行事 (2) 計画を立てる

第12回 学校 (1) 科目と時間割

第13回 学校 (2) 規則

第14回 旅行 (2) 飛行機の予約

第15回 病気と健康


第1回 I will introduce myself and this course, my method of teaching and the textbook I have selected. Students will have the chance to ask questions about this class.

第2回 We will focus on the simple past and present perfect tenses in English.

第3回 Students will share their best memories/ experiences with each other in an information exchange exercise.

第4回 This class will be a review of what we have covered so far through a variety of pair work exercises and games.

第5回 Prepositions of place - the position of objects within the home..

第6回 Prepositions of place - giving directions in the city and on public transport.

第7回 Making a restaurant reservation when traveling abroad.

第8回 Explaining Japanese culture to foreign visitors.

第9回 Large numbers and currency specifically in relation to shopping.

第10回 We will talk about decided future plans using 'going to'. Students make plans with each other using a schedule.

第11回 'Will' and 'wont' to talk about possibilities and make predictions.

第12回 Vocabulary for school life and education. Students will share with each other the subjects they enjoyed/didn't enjoy at high school.

第13回 School rules. Using 'have to' and 'must' we will focus on rules.

第14回 We will practice using functional English for in a hotel using role plays.

第15回 Health awareness, illness and parts of the body. Vocabulary and pronunciation will be the main focus.


Students should be prepared to take notes in class - not only from the whiteboard but also and hints and corrections made to them directly. They should write down any new words that they have asked the teacher or to check at home with their dictionary. They should prepare for lessons in advance by reading over the text, checking vocabulary and underlining anything that they don't understand so that they can check with me immediately. Reviewing after class is equally important as is recycling newly learned words and phrases into future lessons. Using what you learn as often as possible is they very best way to remember it. Preparing and reviewing for about 30 minutes will be necessary for each lesson.


The beginning of each lesson will include a ten minute ‘review and check’ time devoted to revising the main points and vocabulary of the previous lesson and previewing key words and structures from the upcoming one. During this time students will have a chance to ask about anything they are unsure of and demonstrate recall of previous learning.





【評価割合 - 筆記試験《%》】
【評価割合 - 実技試験《%》】
【評価割合 - レポート《%》】
【評価割合 - 平常評価(授業への参加・貢献度)《%》】

【評価割合 - その他(授業内課題等)《%》】


