授業科目名 配当年次 開講期間 所要単位 必修・選択 担当者名
Speaking & Listening I 1 前期 2 選択 Helen McCallister


This is an entry level course that focuses on reinforcing students’ listening and speaking skills within a variety of practical situations. The course aims at enhancing learners’ active listening abilities by exposing them to authentic language input in the form of real life conversations and assessing their understanding.


In this course, the educational method is positive psychological education. The goal of positive education is to develop both academic skills and well-being. Well-being means self-confidence and enjoyment of one’s studies. It also means developing individual and group strengths.


第1回 Course Orientation

第2回 Communicating about neighborhoods, cities, and towns

第3回 Communicating about shopping and e-commerce

第4回 Communicating about shopping and e-commerce

第5回 Communicating about friends and family

第6回 Communicating about friends and family

第7回 Communicating about friends and family

第8回 Communicating about friends and family

第9回 Communicating about health care

第10回 Communicating about health care

第11回 Communicating about health care

第12回 Communicating about health care

第13回 Communicating about gender

第14回 Communicating about gender

第15回 Communicating about gender

第16回 Mid-term exams

第17回 Communicating about sleep and dreams

第18回 Communicating about sleep and dreams

第19回 Communicating about sleep and dreams

第20回 Communicating about sleep and dreams

第21回 Communicating about great destinations

第22回 Communicating about great destinations

第23回 Communicating about great destinations

第24回 Communicating about great destinations

第25回 Communicating about work and lifestyles

第26回 Communicating about work and lifestyles

第27回 Communicating about food and nutrition

第28回 Communicating about food and nutrition

第29回 Semester Wrap-up

第30回 Final Exam and Summary


第1回 Course Orientation

第2回 Speaking about contact information

第3回 Listening practice: main ideas

第4回 Speaking about clothes, prices

第5回 Listening practice: prices, reasons

第6回 Speaking about people, habits, daily activities

第7回 Listening practice:descriptions about appearance

第8回 Speaking about people, habits, daily activities

第9回 Listening practice: descriptions about appearance

第10回 Speaking about advice, health

第11回 Listening practice: main ideas

第12回 Speaking about advice, health

第13回 Listening practice: main ideas

第14回 Speaking about campus life, invitations

第15回 Listening practice: main ideas

第16回 Mid-term

第17回 Listening practice: main ideas

第18回 Speaking about dreams, sharing opinions

第19回 Listening practice: main ideas, specific information

第20回 Speaking about dreams, sharing opinions

第21回 Listening practice: main ideas, specific information

第22回 Speaking about destinations

第23回 Listening practice: main ideas, details, flight information

第24回 Speaking about destinations

第25回 Listening practice: main ideas, details, flight information

第26回 Speaking about food, ordering in a restaurant

第27回 Listening practice: main ideas, details

第28回 Speaking practice: exchanging opinions

第29回 Exam review

第30回 Final exams, course wrap-up



1. The Golden Rule: Always speak or act to someone as you would like them to speak or act towards you.

2. Don’t panic! Mistakes are part of learning. We all make errors. How we deal with them is the important thing.

3. Teamwork!

4. Self-responsibility! Expect to do 1-4 hours of homework per week for this class.


Written and in class comments and instruction. Individual evaluation.


Communicative competence

Intercultural competence

Self-efficacy and self-confidence

Independent problem solving skills

Life-long learning skills

【評価割合 - 筆記試験《%》】
【評価割合 - 実技試験《%》】
【評価割合 - レポート《%》】
【評価割合 - 平常評価(授業への参加・貢献度)《%》】

【評価割合 - その他(授業内課題等)《%》】

McGraw Hill Education Interactions Listening/Speaking Access Sixth Edition


Headphones for listening lab