授業科目名 配当年次 開講期間 所要単位 必修・選択 担当者名
Writing II 1 後期 2 選択 Jordan Johnson


This course focuses on the process of writing. It offers a step-by-step approach to writing descriptive, how-to, and opinion paragraphs. Students will explore various forms of pre-writing methods and aim to master a variety of sentence structures to develop paragraphs that are essential to academic writing. Through the integration of multiple grammatical forms, students progress to write with accuracy and confidence.


Participants will further develop their writing skills and strategies. In class, special emphasis will be placed on the writing process, peer-editing, and drafting detailed/complex sentences in pairs and groups.


第1回 Introductions

第2回 Describing People

第3回 Describing People

第4回 Describing People

第5回 Describing People

第6回 Describing People

第7回 Giving Instructions

第8回 Giving Instructions

第9回 Giving Instructions

第10回 Giving Instructions

第11回 Listing Order

第12回 Listing Order

第13回 Describing with Space Order

第14回 Describing with Space Order

第15回 Mid-term Review

第16回 Mid-term Exam

第17回 Stating Reasons and Using Examples

第18回 Stating Reasons and Using Examples

第19回 Stating Reasons and Using Examples

第20回 Stating Reasons and Using Examples

第21回 Stating Reasons and Using Examples

第22回 Stating Reasons and Using Examples

第23回 Expressing Your Opinion

第24回 Expressing Your Opinion

第25回 Expressing Your Opinion

第26回 Expressing Your Opinion

第27回 Review Project

第28回 Review Project

第29回 Semester Wrap-up

第30回 Final Exam and Summary


第1回 Introductions

第2回 Focusing on pre-writing, organization, vocabulary, grammar and sentence structure, mechanics, formatting and the writing process

第3回 Focusing on pre-writing, organization, vocabulary, grammar and sentence structure, mechanics, formatting and the writing process

第4回 Focusing on pre-writing, organization, vocabulary, grammar and sentence structure, mechanics, formatting and the writing process

第5回 Focusing on pre-writing, organization, vocabulary, grammar and sentence structure, mechanics, formatting and the writing process

第6回 Focusing on pre-writing, organization, vocabulary, grammar and sentence structure, mechanics, formatting and the writing process

第7回 Focusing on pre-writing, organization, vocabulary, grammar and sentence structure, mechanics, formatting and the writing process

第8回 Focusing on pre-writing, organization, vocabulary, grammar and sentence structure, mechanics, formatting and the writing process

第9回 Focusing on pre-writing, organization, vocabulary, grammar and sentence structure, mechanics, formatting and the writing process

第10回 Focusing on pre-writing, organization, vocabulary, grammar and sentence structure, mechanics, formatting and the writing process

第11回 Focusing on pre-writing, organization, vocabulary, grammar and sentence structure, mechanics, formatting and the writing process

第12回 Focusing on pre-writing, organization, vocabulary, grammar and sentence structure, mechanics, formatting and the writing process

第13回 Focusing on pre-writing, organization, vocabulary, grammar and sentence structure, mechanics, formatting and the writing process

第14回 Focusing on pre-writing, organization, vocabulary, grammar and sentence structure, mechanics, formatting and the writing process

第15回 Focusing on pre-writing, organization, vocabulary, grammar and sentence structure, mechanics, formatting and the writing process

第16回 Mid-term Exam

第17回 Focusing on pre-writing, organization, vocabulary, grammar and sentence structure, mechanics, formatting and the writing process

第18回 Focusing on pre-writing, organization, vocabulary, grammar and sentence structure, mechanics, formatting and the writing process

第19回 Focusing on pre-writing, organization, vocabulary, grammar and sentence structure, mechanics, formatting and the writing process

第20回 Focusing on pre-writing, organization, vocabulary, grammar and sentence structure, mechanics, formatting and the writing process

第21回 Focusing on pre-writing, organization, vocabulary, grammar and sentence structure, mechanics, formatting and the writing process

第22回 Focusing on pre-writing, organization, vocabulary, grammar and sentence structure, mechanics, formatting and the writing process

第23回 Focusing on pre-writing, organization, vocabulary, grammar and sentence structure, mechanics, formatting and the writing process

第24回 Focusing on pre-writing, organization, vocabulary, grammar and sentence structure, mechanics, formatting and the writing process

第25回 Focusing on pre-writing, organization, vocabulary, grammar and sentence structure, mechanics, formatting and the writing process

第26回 Focusing on pre-writing, organization, vocabulary, grammar and sentence structure, mechanics, formatting and the writing process

第27回 Focusing on pre-writing, organization, vocabulary, grammar and sentence structure, mechanics, formatting and the writing process

第28回 Focusing on pre-writing, organization, vocabulary, grammar and sentence structure, mechanics, formatting and the writing process

第29回 Final Review

第30回 Final Exam and Summary


Successful completion of Writing I (IB1262) with a passing grade of 60% or higher.



Write paragraphs that contain topic sentences, effective concluding sentences, and supporting sentences with specific details.

Revise rough drafts, edit texts and give peer feedback in writing groups.

Write descriptive, how-to, and opinion paragraphs.

Understand and use a variety of sentence structures to produce well-organized, clearly developed paragraphs.

Write coherent sentences with emphasis on the correct use of grammar and mechanics.

【評価割合 - 筆記試験《%》】
【評価割合 - 実技試験《%》】
【評価割合 - レポート《%》】
【評価割合 - 平常評価(授業への参加・貢献度)《%》】

【評価割合 - その他(授業内課題等)《%》】

Longman Academic Writing Series, Level 2: Paragraphs (Third Edition) Pearson, 2014


English Dictionary. (Recommended: Active Study Dictionary 5th Edition/ Longman)

Pearson, Word by Word Picture Dictionary, English/Japanese, Second Edition, 2007